Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So yesterday I didn't blog. I kinda felt incomplete, but I really didn't have any time to. And when I did, I forgot to get on here. Oh well. So yesterday was boring and then fun. We went out, My dad, step mom, sister, and I and we first went to Wal-Mart to get a picture for this lady that my step mom works with. Then we went to Michael's and we got frames and such. When we were there though, I found the most amazing piece of work. It was a movie clip of Breakfast at Tiffany's. You probably don't know this, but Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actor in the entiiiiiiire world. I'm serious. I love her! The picture was of her when she was staring into at the chandeliers, eating her breakfast. IT WAS GORGEOUS. It was 25x42 or something along those lines and I wanted it sooooooo bad, but I couldn't get it that day. Oh well. Right when we were leaving Michael's it started to rain. It wasn't that bad until we got into the truck, and went over to Target (Mary needed nicotine gum). Since nobody wanted to get out, my dad went out, and got the gum alone. After he left, the wind started up as well. There were about eight Target carts right beside our truck, and they were coming closer and closer. So Mary, being the loving wife that she is, got out and started corralling the carts. She was only one person though, so I got out and helped her, too. As soon as I was out there my Vans were drenched, my hair was soaked, and I officially was unofficially working for Target. I felt proud. Until I got into the truck and it was near freezing because ,up until ten minutes prior, it was 95 degrees outside, so of course we had our A/C on full blast. Then dad got back in the car and we were on our way to Chick-fil-a. Lemme' tell ya, I lovelovelove Chick-fil-a. Their chocolate milkshakes are my favorite thing in the world. I just realized I say that a lot. Oh well, anyways since we were absolutely saturated we decided to go through the drive threw. That was... A fail. They had a hood over the speaker, but the wind was blowing so hard it simply blew the rain right into my dad's face. After he rolled down the window for five seconds, he got frustrated and pulled around, and drove into a parking slot. Then we all told him what we wanted and he went inside to order. I ordered a char grilled club sandwich, JUST the sandwich. I didn't get fries or a drink so I could purposely get a milk shake, when I asked for one Mary said no. I didn't feel like arguing so I just said okay and forgot about it. When my dad got back in with the drinks and such, Mary realized I didn't get anything to drink. She said, "Oh, you didn't get anything?" and I said, "No, all I wanted was a milkshake to drink." and then she felt bad, I can't tell you if that made me feel good or great, but it was definately one of those. Then my dad, being the great dad he is, pulled into the drive threw window part of Chick-fil-a and we waited 15 minutes for a small chocolate milkshake and Mary got a refil of Dr. Pepper. I was happy. My family was happy. And when I opened the box to my sandwich, it looked like an advertisement sandwich. It was delicious. So then we went home and I changed clothes, laid in bed, and eventually fell asleep after watching three movies. In other words: It was a fun day.

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