Monday, June 28, 2010


So today went by surprisingly. Last night was... Good, I guess. The chicken Jordan made was awfully dry. I don't think it was her fault at all. I, personally, hate chicken that isn't grilled or breaded. This chicken was cooked in a pan.... So to me, it was ovened. I guess I don't like ovened chicken. Anyways, today was an off day for me. I didn't take a shower till 4:00 p.m. because I had to wash basically all of my clothes. I hate my shower. It spews out water at you from it's spout as if it didn't know how to spew. WHAT SHOWER SPOUT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SPEW WATER AT YOU CORRECTLY?! It's extremely annoying. My dad's shower is perfect. I try taking as much showers in his bathroom as possible. I can't take a shower in his bathroom until my step mom gets more of her clay conditioner. I lovelovelove that stuff! It's from Aveda. I think that's how you spell it. Oh well. Anyways, it makes my hair feel incredibly soft and it smells soooo good. I wouldn't eat it though... I don't think that would taste good at all. So today I wasn't supposed to text ANYONE. That was a failure. I texted at 12:07 at night. And again at 9:45 in the morning. I can't just NOT text someone after they text me. Especially if the person that texts me is one of my best friends. So, no. I'm not even going to try that, anymore. Today Lauran and I went to Wal-Mart and were specifically told to buy scooby snacks. Scooby snacks to my family are basically oatmeal cream pies, star crunch, annnnd rice crispy treats. DELICIOUS. Plus we got 10 of these long things of little candy bars. Each case of them were a dollar. It came out to $19 and some cents. Right when we got into the truck I opened up the oatmeal creme pies and ate one. I love those. Another one of my loves are Burger King's chocolate pies. MMMMMMMM. They're to die for. I had one a few weeks ago. They're probably the only things in the world that won't ever change in flavor. EVER. If they do I think I'll die. Or maybe just wail on the floor for 6345357356 hours. Either way. I really don't have much to say. I have no idea why I gave this post a title of Shocking! I guess the shock is an after shock of some sort. Let's hope so.

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