Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hey You.

Okay, so today was fun. Last night was awful. My allergies acted up to the point that I was basically crying. My brother did an 20+ Blessing on me. Which means that he blessed me for the next 20 times I sneezed. That didn't last long at all. Jordan's spaghetti squash was actually really good. It still had the same feeling as noodles that I hate, but other then that it was fantastic! She also made these rasberry bars. I think they're my favorite kind of food in the entire wolrd. I would show you by taking a picture, but we don't have anymore. Tonight is Jordan's last day with us until she comes back on either July 4th or the 5th. She's making strawberry short cake tonight. I thought those were pretty good, too. Today Jordan wanted to take Nathan lunch. She asked me to go with her aaaaaaaat 1:45 ? At the least. Nathan's break wasn't until 2:30. She thought it would be okay. We ended up hanging out at the Dollar Tree right beside Message Envy. We bought two coloring books, crayons, and Flips. Flips are chocolate covered pretzels if you didn't know that. They were really good besides the fact they were basically melting in my fingers. Other than that, PERFECTION. Soooooo, my cat Stripes is extremly over weight. He's like 50 lbs, but he's so cute! I made him a myspace a long time ago. Nobody added him though... Awkward. I love saying that word now. My and my friend Lili say it allllll the time. I'm trying not to text for a whole day. That day will be tomorrow. The longest i've gone without texting was 18 hours i do believe. It wasn't that bad.... Until I see someone else texting, or there's an awkward moment and I need my phone to make the moment less awkward. Otherwise I really don't need my phone that much. Anywho, I have no idea how to promote my blog. I want people to read it, but not anyone I actually know. Afterall, this is basically my diary where I vent. If there is someone actually reading my blog; Hi. "The summer plan" part of this will be coming on the 1st of July. Hopefully you'll still be reading by then.

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